Bag Tutorial

Reusable Snack Bag Tutorial
For my first tutorial I'll be showing you how to make very simple snack bags. It's a very quick and easy project. These are so simple, yet one of my shop's best selling items. They're a perfect alternative to the single use plastic baggies, they're much cuter and eco-friendly! So let's get started!
cotton fabric for exterior
fabric for lining
matching thread
fusible Velcro
tape measure / ruler
sewing machine
Cutting Measurements
Cut two 12" x 7" pieces of fabric
one from exterior fabric, one from lining
*Tips* Remember to backstitch  at the beginning and end
Step One:
Place your cut fabric pieces with right sides together and pin in place
Step Two:
Using a straight stitch, sew around the edge using a 5/8 seam allowance. Leave a 1" gap on one of the long sides, this is where we will turn the bag right side out.

Step Three:
Press the seams with your iron and clip the corners of the bag. Turn your bag right side out. To help turn the corner I use a chopstick! It works great. Then press the bag once more.

Step Four:
Take one end of your bag and fold it up 5". You can pin it in place or iron it. Either one works! I usually just iron it and make a nice fold. Then sew both sides of the bag together using a 1/4" seam allowance. Remember to backstitch, this seals in the seams and makes them stronger. It will look like this:

Step Five:
The last step is adding the Velcro. I use the fusible Velcro. You just cut the Velcro to fit the length of the fold over flap. Put the Velcro on sticky side to the fabric and on the opposite side of the bag use your iron and press it for 15-20 seconds. I don't have a pic of this put it's pretty cut and dry. The Velcro with also come with instructions.
And that ends this tutorial! Feel free to ask any questions, enjoy and have fun with it! Use different fabric patterns for boys, girls, teens and even adults!!
Thanks for reading!

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