Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Makes and My Metal Heart

Hi all,

I'd like to share a couple of my makes in this post and a link to my Etsy shop if you want to browse more of my stuff. I make so many different things, it's almost out of hand!

Below is a pic on one of my best sellers on Etsy. Reusable fabric snack bags! Not only that, this chevron print is so wanted right now you can practically sell anything made with this pattern. 

These snack bags are also going to be my first DIY sewing tutorial! They are super easy to sew and take very little time and materials.

Here is a glimpse at some of the jewelry I make. I've been making jewelry for several years now and I'm constantly learning different techniques and trying new styles. This necklace is one of my favorites.

And here is a link to my Etsy shop!



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